by Robele Ababya, 10 April 2013
Expression of solidarity
I do want to express my solidarity with the entire content of the special release by G-7 dated 31 March 2013 under the title “በአማራ ህዝብ ላይ እየተፈጸመ ያለው ግፍ በኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ላይ እየተፈጸመ ያለው ግፍ አካል ነዉ!”
(The tyranny being inflicted on the Amhara people is part of the same
being done on the Ethiopian people). I have a duty as a citizen to
condemn ongoing tyranny in Ethiopia in the strongest possible terms
without fear or favor as long as the EPRDF regime continues with its
flagrant violation of universal human rights, inter alia: ethnic
cleansing of the Amaras; holding prisoners of conscience most of them
Oromos; imprisonment of Muslim leaders demanding for their
constitutional rights of electing their leaders.
In the face of tyranny and racism
The 1974 revolution saw racism as detrimental to progress. For example, young men and women of the former Imperial
Ethiopian Air Force produced the revolutionary song Tenesa Teramed
(Stand up and stride) that was short-lived but a popular revolutionary;
it was broadcast all over Ethiopia with the enthusiastic approval of
the Derg regime. The rallying song: condemns differences based on race
or creed; stresses the need for robust defense establishment; laments
the wastage of our rivers and natural resources and; calls for economic
It was taken of the air by the Derg because it was too
nationalistic to the influential ideologists of the time. But the
current inhuman tragedy afflicting the Amara people of Ethiopia has
vindicated the validity of the song; I am glad that the revival of its
spirit is being felt everywhere in the war against tyranny. Ethiopians
need to be nationalists with global outlook, as it were act local and
think global.
The civil rights movement conceived and spearheaded by Martin Luther King took place and succeeded in a democratic society open
to listen to genuine grievances and sympathize with on either legal or
moral grounds not to mention the support of political leaders like
President John F. Kennedy. The Ethiopian revolution of 1974 was at first
peaceful because of the decision of Emperor Haile Selassie not to
counter it with force; the Ethiopian election of 2005 held a glimmer of
hope of ushering in an era of democracy but was hijacked by the lawless
ruling regime of thugs without moral standards or respect for their own
constitution. So should one stay put in the face of tyranny and racism?
The answer is NO! The only remedial action is to rise up in unison to
defeat the EPRDF regime and do so in the spirit of “One country, Ethiopia; one person, one vote!”
Highlights from history pertinent to this piece
set of values for which wars have been fought and revolutions have been
sparked can be derived from history and our own experience garnered up
to this age of abundant information. The Age of Enlightenment (1700 –
1800) preceding the French Revolution (1789 – 1799) no doubt provided
the forums to debate on social issues, principles and governance best
suited to humanity.
“Rousseau, for example, began to question the idea of the divine right of Kings. In The Social Contract, he wrote that the King does not, in fact, receive his power from God, but rather from the general will of the people.
“Rousseau, for example, began to question the idea of the divine right of Kings. In The Social Contract, he wrote that the King does not, in fact, receive his power from God, but rather from the general will of the people.
This, of course, implies that “the
people” can also take away that power! The Enlightenment thinkers also
discussed other ideas that are the founding principles of any
democracy—the idea of the importance of the individual who can reason
for himself, the idea of equality under the law, and the idea of natural
rights. The Enlightenment was a period of profound optimism, a sense
that with science and reason—and the consequent shedding of old
superstitions—human beings and human society would improve.”
I is
interesting to note that “The Enlightenment encouraged criticism of the
corruption of the monarchy” including King Louis XVI and the
aristocracy. “Enlightenment thinkers condemned Rococo art for being
immoral and indecent, and called for a new kind of art that would be
moral instead of immoral, and teach people right and wrong”. Is the
Prime Minister (PM) of Ethiopia listening? Is he prepared to clampdown
on endemic corruption and pervasive moral decay on his watch?
I find the EPRDF totally bankrupt in terms of cardinal principles or parameters below, followed by my comments:-
- “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains” Jacques Rousseau (1712—1778): This is vindicated by the exodus of Ethiopians seeking refuge and thereby encountering gruesome human sufferings;
- The all men are created equal assertion by John Adams enshrined in the preamble of the USA Constitution: This a pipedream for the suffering masses of Ethiopia living in serfdom and slavery
- The all-inclusive principle of Liberty, fraternity, and equality enshrined in the French Revolution: Same as #2 above
- Freedoms of expression, association, assembly and religion are inviolable natural rights: The EPRDF regime has completely barred these freedoms
- Respect for human rights takes precedence over economic development: The EPRDF is one of the top human rights violators in the world
- Equitable distribution of wealth is central to social justice: But land belongs to the EPRF regime; powerful government posts and all lucrative business enterprises are under the monopoly of minority ethnic groups. Thanks to the data provided by G7
- Private land and property ownership enhances sustainable development and guarantees dignity, freedom and democracy: The ruling regime denies this vowing to adopt the China communist party model of development
- Man does not live by bread alone – Matthew 4:4: The Stalinist proponents of Revolutionary Democracy dismiss this as nonsense
- The all-inclusive Ten Commandments in the oldest book, the Holy Bible: There is no standard of morality in Revolutionary Democracy
- The regime is promoting rampant corruption: This will lead to the downfall of the regime in disgrace, vide to the fate that befell Luis XVI, his wife Marie Antoinette and the aristocracy during the French Revolution.
Age of Enlightenment led to the French Revolution that laid down the
cornerstone of the democratic culture entrenched in modern French
society without a single prisoner of conscience in contrast to Ethiopia
forced to become a giant dungeon in the 21st century.
to free debate demolished the Imperial and the Derg regimes; the same
fate is awaiting the brutal ERPDF regime provided that the opposition
political entities and civil societies act in unison by setting their
minor differences aside with a covenant to solve them through a
civilized debate at a later time following the downfall of the misruling
regime. Effectiveness should transcend selfishness at this hour of
extreme emergency much like at the outset of Italian invasion where our
ancestors organized into a guerrilla force, by the way the first of its
kind in Africa, if not the world, that gave hell to the uncivilized
soldiers of Marshal Graziani – labeled by the international community as
the” butcher of Ethiopia”.
Rousseau said: “I prefer liberty with danger than peace with slavery.” But the reality in Ethiopia is slavery without peace.
And I therefore strongly believe that Ethiopia’s problems should be
seen and resolved within the framework of the above principles or
Laudable “Election 2013” in Kenya; Inaugural ceremony on 09 April 2013
was spellbound with my eyes glued to the television listening to the
electrifying speech President Uhuru Kenyatta to a jubilant capacity
crowd of more than 60,000 in which he, among many other achievements,
expressed his pride of the level of political maturity Kenyans have
reached in just 20 years of entering into a multi-party democracy.
reassured his fellow Kenyans that there will be no place for divisive
ethnic politics and that political pluralism will be there to stay
irreversibly; promised self-sufficiency in food security by developing
agriculture; pledged transparency and accountability of his
administration to the people; praised the local media for their maturity
and integrity; praised to bank on his predecessor’s rich legacy and
forge ahead to score double-digit growth; pledged work with all
contestants in election 2013 s in the development of Kenya for common
good as a President of all its citizens.
The outgoing President
Mwai Kibaki, beaming with pleasing smile all the time, also made a
moving speech underlining the unity of democratic Kenya and outlining
the enormous economic growth of Kenya now self-sufficient to finance
development schemes. He branded his successor President Uhuru Kenyatta
and the Deputy President William Ruto as new breed of leaders that can
elevate the phenomenal economic growth of the last ten years to a new
It was a retirement with honor for President Kibaki.
Kenyans should be proud for setting a shining example for Africa.
motto “One country, Kenya; one person, one vote” has worked for
Kenyans in that “Kenya election 2013” has paid a rich reward for the
costly and bloody election of 2007. I am optimistic the motto will work
for Ethiopia too!
I would like to close this section by witnessing
that I had the honor to see, at close range under the same roof, the
celebrated Founding Father of Kenya twice; the first time at the
National Theatre in Addis Ababa where he and his colleagues enlightened
the enthusiastic audience with the Harrambe song from the stage while he
was still the fiery leader of guerilla warriors for freedom and
independence; and the second time (during official visit as Head of
State ) at a luncheon at the Debre Zeit Air Force Base after a brilliant
air show of which he spoke admiringly. I am proud of my country’s
leading role in the struggle for independence in Africa right from the
Emperor Menilik’s famous victory at Adwa that became the beacon of
hope for the black people.
In my view
1. Freedoms
of expression, association, assembly and religion are inviolable natural
rights given by the Almighty God; claim these rights through massive
inundation of public squares and streets throughout the country; demand
the immediate stoppage to ethnic cleansing in general and that of the
Amhara people going on at present in particular; demand for the
immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners;
dictate terms for change to democratic governance; condemn government
for its adamant refusal to accept the legitimate demand of Muslims’s
constitutional rights; stop flagrant involvement in religious affairs as
in the fake election of Aba Matias as Patriarch
2. All round
assistance by the Diaspora to home-based political parties is critical
to the success of popular uprising in Ethiopia; I stand committed
Good relationships with democratic forces in Egypt and the Sudan are
paramount in view of the share of the waters of the Blue Nile River.
Ethiopian democrats should welcome democratic Kenya as a partner in
building democracy and prosperity in the region; should thank Ugandans
and their leadership for being a hospitable host to the Ethiopian
refugees for the last 22 years in the spirit of Pan Africanism. Those
patriotic political refugees resettled elsewhere that were once in
Uganda will testify to the said hospitality
4. It would be
prudent to hold an urgent consultative meeting with the aim of
organizing a national conference at a convenient venue in Africa in
which opposition political parties/entities at home and in the Diaspora
participate under the facilitation of the African Union; expeditious
action is critical to stem the unmaking of Ethiopia’s history by the
repressive EPRDF regime
5. Ethiopia has sunk to the abyss of
corruption perpetrated by the EPRDF regime. Governance is at its worst
in the country. Replace the regime by new leadership committed to the
tenets that serve the Ethiopian people best. The mother of corruption
Azeb and the other EPRDF/TPLF warlords must face justice. Imagine the
fate of Marie Antoinette haunting the paranoid Azeb – a habitual liar
that said her late genocidal husband had never negotiated away an iota
of Ethiopia’s interest!
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