Sunday 1 March 2015

The sorry state of Woyane ethnic tyranny

February 17, 2015

Fake Medias, courts, parliament, Election Board, investments, diplomas…

Fundamentally tyranny is rotten to its bones and the principle reason why society under its rule is ill-governed; poor, without freedom and rights. Similarly, what TPLF led ethnic tyranny brought on the people of Ethiopia is a tragedy beyond comprehension that will have far more implication in the future over and above what we experienced in the past. Surprisingly, it managed to fake its stay by committing appalling atrocities and corruption and elaborately covered it up for far too long.
by Teshome Debalke
Enough is said about Woyane ethnic tyranny over two decades. Enough time elapsed for the dimwitted regime and its operatives to learn something better beyond faking, committing corruption and atrocities and covering it up with elaborate propaganda.