Monday 3 August 2015

Barack Obama! Tell the Truth About Ethiopia!

August 3, 2015

by Alemayehu G. Mariam
Do not read further if you can’t handle the truth about Barack Obama. “Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth.”
“I speak my mind because it hurts to bite my tongue.”
Bite your tongue, Barack Obama!
Barack Obama! Tell the Truth About Ethiopia!
When President Barack Obama visited Ethiopia last week, he shocked a lot of people by making the following  statement:
I don’t bite my tongue too much when it comes to these issues. We are opposed to any group that is promoting the violent overthrow of a government, including the government of Ethiopia, that has been democratically elected. We are very mindful of Ethiopia’s history – the hardships that this country has gone through. It has been relatively recently in which the constitution that was formed and the elections put forward ademocratically elected government.”
The government of Ethiopia has been democratically elected!?!
Say what?!!!
On May 24, 2015, the “government of Ethiopia” held elektions and declared it had won it by 100 percent. Yes, by one hundred percent.
Even Kim Jong-un’ of North Korea did not have the gall to claim a 100 percent electoral victory in the March 2014 parliamentary election.
At least on paper, Kim Jong-un’s “Worker’s Party of Korea” won only by 88.3 percent (607 of the 687 seats).
The “Korean Socialist Democratic Party” won 50 seats. The “Chondoist Chongu Party” won 22 seats. The “General Association of Korean Residents in Japan” won 5 seats. The “Religious Associations” won 3 seats.
In Ethiopia, there are 79 registered political parties who “actively participated in the election”.
In May 2015, the “People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front” (EPDRF) party (the front organization for the Tigrean Peoples’ Liberation  Front [TPLF]) won 547 of the 547 seats in “parliament”.
No candidate from the other 78 political parties even came close to winning a single seat!
On July 26, 2015, Barack Obama stood up in Addis Ababa and declared, “The government of Ethiopia is democratically elected.”
Obama in the Land of Living Lies or Land of 13-Months of Sunshine?
Barack Obama’s visit to the Land of 13-Months of Sunshine Ethiopia reminded me of the magical visit of a little cartoon animation girl called Sandy to the Land of Living Lies.
In the Land of Living Lies, Puff the Magic Dragon, introduces Sandy to such famous fibbers as Pinocchio and the boy who cried wolf.
Sandy: Puff, look!
Puff: That is the famous purple cow that no one has ever seen.
Sandy: And the pink elephant.
Puff: That some see too often. Don’t you think it’s odd that I, a dragon, should eat homework for lunch? Of course it’s odd, for it never happened. It was a falsehood, a canard, a prevarication. Oh, why beat about the bush. It was a simple lie told by a little girl named Sandy.
Sandy: Oh, those are silly lies.
Puff:  No, those are fanciful lies. And harmless fantasy OK. And it’s fun, too.
If there ever has been an election won by one party by 100 percent that is democratic, then there is indeed the famous purple cow that nobody has ever seen or the pink elephant that some see often.
But a single political party winning an election by 100 percent is a falsehood, a canard, a prevarication.
Oh, why beat about the bush. It is a simple lie told by the mighty President of the United States called Barack Obama.
Silly lies, fanciful lies, harmless lies told by Barack Obama after he met with Hailemariam Desalegn (Pinocchio) and Tedros Adhanom (the boy who cried wolf).
Stop! Not harmless lies, by any stretch of the imagination.
Barack Obama told dangerous lies that could plunge a nation of 100 million into civil strife and destruction!
Barack Obama is an extraordinarily intelligent guy.
But in the Land of Thirteen Months of Sunshine transformed into the Land of Living Lies, something happened to Barack Obama.
Barack Obama got on TV and lied right through his teeth. But that was not all.
To cover up his lie and distract attention from the real issue, which is why 78 out of 79 political parties did not win a single “parliamentary” seat, Barack Obama kept blathering about “the violent overthrow of a government that has been democratically elected.”
Ain’t nobody talking about no violent overthrow of anything.
But to justify his statement that the election of the ruling TPLF thug party by 100 percent, Obama kept on talking about a violent overthrow.
Of course, Obama was merely echoing and legitimizing the narrative of the bush thugs who claim they are under siege by terrorists and insurrectionists intent on overthrowing them by force of arms.
Obama’s aim was obviously  to elicit international sympathy and support for the TPLF and subtly demonize all who oppose the TPLF as inherently violent and terroristic.
Obama’s implicit message was that any opposition to the TPLF is violent and certain to be terroristic.
Thus, the ruling regime is justified in crushing all opposition, with the full support and blessings of America.
I have one simple question for Barack Obama.
Assuming for the sake of argument that the regime which claimed 100 percent election victory is not elected democratically, is it ok to overthrow it by “violence”.
Before you answer that question, think of Iraq, Barack!
Is Obama’s statement, “The government of Ethiopia is democratically elected.” some sort of cruel practical joke played on the people of Ethiopia?
Had Obama lost his marbles when he made that absurd statement?
Did Obama say what he said in a jetlag daze?
The fact is on July 26, 2015, Barack Obama stood in Addis Ababa and declared to the world with a straight face, “The government of Ethiopia is democratically elected.”
Readers! I am in a real dilemma. Help me out!
I want to disagree respectfully with President Obama.
And I don’t want to insult President Obama’s intelligence by saying that he actually believes his words, “The government of Ethiopia that has been democratically elected.”
But what choice do I have!?
Anyone who believes the “government of Ethiopia” that claimed to have “won” the May 2015 election by 100 percent is “democratically elected” has no business being President of the United States.
For that matter, he has no business being the president of the town volunteer stray dog-catchers society.
In 2009, Joe Wilson, the South Carolina Congressman shouted at Obama, “You Lie!” during the state of the union address.
I thought that was disrespectful of President Obama. I had a few choice words for Wilson.
Six years later, I understand. (Sorry, Joe!)
If I had a chance to meet Obama, I would wag my index finger in his face and tell him, “Barack Obama! You lie like a rug!”
Is Barack Obama a pathological liar?
Could it be that Barack Obama is a compulsive liar? That is, he lies out of habit;  and through repetition he is hardwired to lie.
Could Obama be afflicted with the Pinocchio’s Syndrome?
There is no way on earth (or in hell) Obama did not know his statement, “The government of Ethiopia that has been democratically elected.” is a lie, a doggone lie!
But he said it without flinching, blinking or cringing. The marks of the practiced liar.
Everyone knows Obama is a lawyer trained at one of the best law schools in the world.
No one doubts he knows the difference between telling the truth and telling a lie.
For crying out loud, he is the President of the United States! He has to know the difference between telling the truth and telling a lie!!!
Obama’s categorical statement, “The government of Ethiopia that has been democratically elected.” is as false as the man who claimed  he is ten feet tall.
There has never been a human being in recorded history that was 10 feet tall.
There has never been a genuinely democratic election in the recorded history of humanity that was won by a single party by 100 percent.
When Obama stands up, looks into the unblinking eye of the camera and lies through his teeth, what is left for me to do but stand paralyzed in shock and shame?
As Obama’s tongue wagged and weaved a tangled web of lies, his body language was telling a different story.
The video, in contrast to the audio, of the joint press conference told a different story.
In the video, Obama’s body language spoke louder than his words; and told the truth that he was lying about what he said.
Immediately after he stated, “The government of Ethiopia that has been democratically elected.” Obama’s body language changed in the video.
His eyes gazed to the ground.
He tilted his head up and looked vacantly into the gallery.
He slouched on the lectern to show he is at ease as he lies through his teeth.
He tried to conceal the internal tension between his lying tongue and his virtuous conscience (the microscopic residue of that keen conscience we all voted for).
As Obama embellishes his lies with lawyerly gobbledygook, he struggles to conceal all verbal and physiological clues that he is lying.
He shows no emotional reaction of guilt as he weaves his tale of deceit about a thug-state elektion. He tries to suppress any disturbance in his speech content or pattern. But his vacant eyes don’t lie. They kept looking at the floor.
Obama flails in “hand shrugs” to cover up the fact that his tongue is saying one thing and his body saying, “That ain’t true. It’s a lie”.
Obama’s body stiffens. For a few seconds, he looked completely wooden, soulless. He was not talking.
He was just reciting talking points written for him by you know who, “Queen Grimhilde”, his National Security Adviser.
As Obama continued to lie, he spoke haltingly. He hesitated. He searched for the right words to embellish his lies, pretending to be cautious in his choice of words.
Obama made a tactical digression and droned on (no pun intended) about using a single standard to judge big and small nations on human rights.
But there was no one talking about China’s human rights record but Obama.
Obama kept on pattering during the press conference like a used car salesman trying to unload a hunk of junk on an unsuspecting customer.
The really funny thing was that when Susan Rice was asked if the election that the ruling regime in Ethiopia “won” by 100 percent was “democratic”, she busted out in the biggest belly laugh  by an American official anyone had seen in decades.  She simply could not control her laughter!
They say Emperor Nero laughed as Rome burned. I wonder if Susan Rice thought elections in Ethiopia are laughing matters.
But Barack Obama with a straight face stated, “The government of Ethiopia has been democratically elected.” Twice!
I want to be fair to Obama!
Is he really talking on the basis of informed policy analysis or regurgitating the script written for him by Susan “Svengali” Rice, his National Security Adviser.
In April, a month before the May 24 Ethiopian elektion, Rice sent Undersecretary Wendy Sherman to Addis Ababa with the exact same talking points.
Sherman showed up in Addis Ababa on April 16, 2015 and set the terms of engagement when Obama showed up in July 2015. She declared, “Ethiopia is a democracy that is moving forward in an election that we expect to be free, fair, credible open and inclusive in ways Ethiopia has moved forward in strengthening its democracy every time there is an election. It gets better and better. The United States believes no group, including  Ginbot 7 should attempt to overthrow or speak of overthrowing a democratically elected government.”
When Barack Obama showed up in Addis Ababa on July 26, 2015,he said exactly what Sherman said on April 16, WORD FOR WORD!!!
How is that possible? They must think we are all dumbbells.
Sherman’s statement sparked a firestorm. I took her to task for telling lies.
The Washington Post slammed Sherman and told her point blank to “swallow” her dumb words and “change her approach”.  Sherman  announced her resignation not long after that editorial.
But I have to hand it to Sherman. She was right in her prediction about the elektion.
It did get better. In May 2010, the ruling regime won by 99.6 percent; in May 2015, it won by 100 percent. It could not get any better than that!
Aah! Susan Rice, the invisible hand that rocks the cradle!
On what theory of democracy does Obama certify the democratic election of the “government of Ethiopia”?
In June 2009, in Cairo, Barack Obama gave the world his definition of democracy:
I know there has been controversy about the promotion of democracy in recent years…
There are some who advocate for democracy only when they are out of power; once in power, they are ruthless in suppressing the rights of others. No matter where it takes hold, government of the people and by the people sets a single standard for all who hold power: you must maintain your power through consent, not coercion; you must respect the rights of minorities, and participate with a spirit of tolerance and compromise; you must place the interests of your people and the legitimate workings of the political process above your party. Without these ingredients, elections alone do not make true democracy. (Emphasis added.)
When Obama says, “The government of Ethiopia is democratically elected.”, he is obviously saying “elections alone, without the other ingredients, make true democracy.”
By Obama’s own definition, did the ruling regime in Ethiopia “win” the election with 100 percent with Chef Obama’s “ingredients” of democracy?
On July 28, 2015 Barack Obama stood before the African Union and said:
I believe Africa’s progress will also depend on democracy, because Africans, like people everywhere, deserve the dignity of being in control of their own lives. We all know what the ingredients of real democracy are.  They include free and fair elections, but also freedom of speech and the press, freedom of assembly… Yet at this very moment, these same freedoms are denied to many Africans.  And I have to proclaim, democracy is not just formal elections.  When journalists are put behind bars for doing their jobs, or activists are threatened as governments crack down on civil society —  then you may have democracy in name, but not in substance.

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